Site Glossary
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H |
HalyardA halyard is a specialrope installed on an extension ladder thatallows the user to extend the fly section from the ground easily | |
Hammer drillA hammer drill is a special drill that delivers a rapid succession of forward blows while turning the bit simultaneously. Used for drilling masonry, tile, or stone | |
Hand pressed | |
Hand sandingHand sanding is a manual sanding process using only sandpaper or sanding blocks or sponges. This is a slower method good for small details or intricate shapes and surfaces | |
HandleThe handle is the hammer component connecting the grip to hammer head. | |
HazComHazCom is an abbreviation for Hazard Communication Standard which is a communication system that produces standards for labeling chemicals and SDS sheets with hazard information | |
Head | |
HeaderA header is an overhead beam used to carry and distribute weight above and around a rough opening | |
HEPAHEPA or High Efficiency Particulate Air
or HEPA is a designation used to describe filters that are able to trap 99.97
percent of particles that are 0.3 microns | |
High headerA high header is placed in full contact with the underside of the top plate and no top cripples. This configuration often requires additional non-structural framing below to define the top edge of the rough opening. | |