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R value is a rating of a material and its ability to resist heat transfer (higher number = less heat transfer)

Rafter hook

The rafter hook is a foldable hook on side of the saw used for hanging the tool when not in use


Rails are continuous structural ladder parts that hold the rungs in place


The rake is the section of a paint tray where a roller is properly loaded. Sometimes referred to as the “ramp

Raking light

Raking light is the placement of a light source at an extreme angle to a surface to help emphasize defects


The ramp is the section of a paint tray where a roller is properly loaded. Sometimes referred to as the “rake

Random orbital

Random orbital is a sanding action that slowly spins a circular sanding disk while simultaneously using an orbital action to help prevent swirl marks

Random orbital sander

A random orbital sander is a tool that adds a slow spinning motion of an abrasive disc together with an orbital motion for better finishing


A rattail is a pointed thin long brush handle style best for detail painting


Reciprocating is a back and forth action of a blade that moves in a straight line to make a cut.

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